What are your top 10 career options after learning C++ programming?

5 min readOct 14, 2021


The popular opinion is that C++ is an outdated programming language. However, popular opinions are rarely facts. The truth is that C++ is very much relevant. And as things are going, it would remain so. For example, tech giants like Microsoft, Opera, NASA, Facebook, and LinkedIn use C++. Also, C++ is the primary programming language for game developers, robotics, and avionics programmers.

Most of the time, the general opinion is that C++ is outdated. It comes out of the fact that it is one of the oldest programming languages. However, what we ignore is that it is still one of the most efficient ones. It was built with rich libraries to support object-oriented programming. Thus, it has become the go-to option for creating desktop applications, web and mobile solutions, and game development.

In India, the average salary of a C++ programmer is around 4.9 LPA. However, it can vary between 2 LPA to 10 LPA depending upon the skill, experience, and job profile. In addition, recent recruitment trends show that companies prefer candidates with additional qualifications. Therefore, if you want to capitalize on these numbers, you need to complete a C++ tutorial.

However, this blog will help you choose the best C++ job profile for yourself. What will follow is a list of various job profiles and their respective salaries. It is the most basic information you need before choosing which role you want for yourself. The following are top career options after learning C++ programming:

  • Software Developer
  • Quality Analyst
  • Game Programmer
  • Software Development Engineer
  • C/C++ Analyst
  • Programming Architect
  • UNIX Shell Scripting
  • Backend Developer
  • Embedded Engineer
  • Database Developer

Which C++ job profile would be suitable for you?

You can choose from the following list which job profile suits you best. This blog includes the roles and salaries of the individual job profiles. However, if you wish to capitalize on these opportunities, you must opt for additional qualifications. Consider joining C++ courses online as it will significantly improve your job prospects.

1. Software Developer

As a software developer, you will be responsible for programming and testing different software. If you are a fresher, you will most likely be a junior developer. However, with experience of 3 to 4 years, you will be able to elevate the senior developer position. In India, the average salary of a C++ software developer is around 5 LPA.

2. Quality Analyst

As a quality analyst, your job will be to analyse every aspect of your given software. It will be your job to find flaws or loopholes that make the software less valuable to the user or client. Quality analysts are some of the most influential executives in IT companies with high salaries. For example, in India, the average salary of a C++ quality analyst is 5 LPA.

3. Game Programmer

Game programmers are responsible for programming codebases for gaming software. Your primary domain of work would be game development tools. As a game developer, there is high scope to work as a freelancer. You can also program your own games and sell them on apps like Play Store. In India, the average salary of a C++ game programmer is 4.7 is LPA.

4. Software Development Engineer

Software development engineer is a job profile that requires knowledge of software as well as hardware. As a software development engineer, you will be responsible for coordinating the various software and hardware components that come into play while coding. Thus, you need complete knowledge of the computer architecture system. In India, the average salary of a C++ software development engineer 4.9 is LPA.

5. C/C++ Analyst

As a C/C++ analyst, you will need to coordinate between design and development teams to ensure high-quality software development. In addition, you will need to be familiar with various trending technologies in the market to understand the requirements of different clients. Finally, your main job would be to ensure the development of competitive programs. In India, the average salary of a C/C++ Analyst is 5 LPA.

6. Programming Architect

Programming architects are senior professionals with insanely high salaries. To be a programming architect, you will also require significant qualifications. Programming architects design the architecture of the software. Their work is central to software development and planning. For example, in India, the average salary of a C++ programming architect is 30 LPA.

7. UNIX Shell Scripting

UNIX owes its descent to C/C++. Therefore, it is reasonable that a multitude of opportunities emerges in UNIX that is related to C++. UNIX shell scripting would require you to be proficient in C++ programming. Please brush up with C++ classes before applying for this profile. In India, the average salary of a UNIX Shell Scripter is 6.3 LPA.

8. Backend Developer

Backend developers are also called server-side developers. As the name suggests, their main task is to carry out all the off-page activities. As a backend developer, you will be responsible for designing the database management system, scripting, and software architecture. In India, the average salary of a C++ backend developer is 4 LPA.

9. Embedded Engineer

Embedded engineers, as the name suggests, develop embedded systems. The demand for embedded engineers is constantly rising in India. Knowing C/C++ would give you an edge over other candidates and help you land a decent job. In India, the average salary of a C++ embedded engineer is 4.1 LPA.

10. Database Developer

Almost every company has a database developer. Their job is crucial to the functioning of any software company. As a database developer, you will be responsible for maintaining a database for your organization. You will also design, modify, and troubleshoot as per requirement. In India, the average salary of a C++ database developer is 4.9 LPA.

If you wish to upgrade your skills or want an additional qualification, then you should visit LearnVern. On their website, free courses are available in Hindi. Upon completion of these courses, you will receive an NSDC Skill India certificate.




Nilam is a C++ programmer and writer of C++ Tutorial at Learnvern. She has written about her experience as a woman in the industry.